Partners and documentation
Our ressources
The documentation center
A space dedicated to museums and art
The museum's documentation center contains more than 2,000 books on the history of art and archeology, as well as more than 1,000 issues of specialized journals (Connaissance des Arts, Revue de l'Art, Revue des Musées de France, Nouvelles de l'Archéologie, Gallia…). In the books available are the memoirs of the Société Éduenne, famous archeology manuals (Espérandieu, Déchelette), as well as numerous monographs and exhibition catalogs.
The center is open to the public by appointment during office hours : Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The books are available on site and cannot be borrowed. To make an appointment, please call 03 85 54 21 60.

The museum's documentation center