There are some artists whose work is so obviously singular, capable of crossing through time, that their style cannot be confused with anyone else's. Joan Miró is undoubtedly one of these unique artists. An artist whose work puzzles as much as it fascinates. This is why the Musée Rolin has dedicated an exhibition to Joan Miró's unique universe : Miró Atmosphere - The Emancipation of the Cat's Tail. It will be held from November 28th 2020 to April 11th, 2021.

Exhibition produced in collaboration with the Fundació Joan Miró de Barcelone
Joan Miró, Christmas at the Train Tracks, 1959, etching on paper, 22 x 17cm, musée Rolin, Autun ©Xavier Spertini
Conceived in close collaboration with the Fundació Joan Miró (Barcelona), this exhibition is rich in sculptures, etchings, watercolors and paintings from loans and the permanent collection of the Musée Rolin. The museum wished to pay tribute to André Frénaud, the author of the text Joan Miró and the Emancipation of the Cat's Tail. By reusing this title, the museum's ambition is to tame Joan Miró's art in order to discover its sources, strength and originality.
Miró brought into play his quest for modernity and fierce freedom by engaging in multiple collaborations with fellow artists. His collaboration with the poet André Frénaud played an important role in this artistic expression. With the help of a rich iconography and archives, the exhibition highlights the friendship between the two men.
This pack of 4 sessions, lasting 1h30 to 2h each, is intended for school groups ranging from kindergarten to college. Alternating group research and individual research to soak up the personalities and the work of the artists, at their own pace, it facilitates the encounter with the writings of the poet André Frénaud and the creations of the artist Juan Miró. More information on the page dedicated to discovery packs.

Joan Miró. Woman in Front of the Moon, 1974 © Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona

Joan Miró, Young Girl Dreaming of Running Away, 1969 © Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona
© Communication Department of the City of Autun
Find here the press release and press kit for the exhibition. Requests for high definition visuals should be sent to:

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